The Department of obstetrics and gynecology is located on the 1st floor of the hospital building of KYAMCH. The responsibility of the department is to teach the 4th and 5th-year MBBS students to produce doctors capable of providing common Obstetrical and Gynecological services. Course curriculum followed as approved by the BM&DC. In teaching programs and methods based on the curriculum of BMDC, the emphasis is given to practical problems from the socio-cultural perspective of Bangladesh. Post-graduation training counts according to BCPS rules.
The course curriculum for clinical attachment is 16 weeks (386 hours) has been organized into components as follows:
1. Basic clinical skills. - 4 weeks.
2. Family planning clinic- 2 weeks.
3. Gynae and antenatal outpatient clinic- 2 weeks.
4. Routine obstetrics- 3 weeks.
5. Routine gynecology- 3 weeks.
6. Emergency obstetric care (labor room)- 2 weeks.
Final Professional MBBS Examination:
Marks distribution of Assessment of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Total marks-500 (summative).
* Written = 200 (Formative = 20, MCQ = 40, SAQ & SEQ = 140)
* SOE = 100
* Clinical = 100
* Practical = 100
Related Equipments / Instrument:
Forceps, Ventouse, Female bony pelvis & dummy fetus, Folley's catheter, Plain rubber catheter sponge holding forceps, Alli's tissue forceps, Artery forceps, Volsellum, Hegar's dilators, Uterine sound & Curette, Sim's vaginal speculum, Cusco's speculum, BP blade with handle, Dissecting forceps, Middle holder, suture materials.
Contraceptives-OCP, Implanol, Injectable contraceptives, IUCD, Barrier methods MR Syringe with Canula.
Fourth-year MBBS students will participate in batches in turns in components 1,2 and 3. Fifth-year MBBS students will participate in components 4,5 and 6.
Each clinical session will be conducted for 2 hours every morning from 9.00cm-1 1 am. In the evenings, students will practice under supervision from 7.00-9.00 pm. The word-final examination includes written (MCQ, SAQ,) practical and OSPE structured oral examination(SOE). Criteria for eligibility to appear in the final professional examination is 75% attendance in lecture, 75% attendance in practical and ward placement.
60% marks to be obtained during formative assessment both in theory and practical card completion separately. For appropriate, methodical, practical teaching, all types of facilities are available here. The department has a well-equipped outpatient department including all types of examination facilities such as colposcopy. It has an inpatient department consisting of a general bed, cabin-free bed for poor patients with all types of facilities including central oxygen supply,monitor, cardiotocography machine, It has highly equipped. It has also CSSD. All types of modern instrumental facilities are available in the operation theatre including laparoscopy machines. Operation theatre has also a preoperative room, post-operative room, ICU for adults, and also for neonates, with the ventilator. All types of operations are conducted here, the majority of them are referred and complicated cases from different hospitals of the country. Twenty four hours emergency services are available here, including all types of obstetrics emergency.