+880 2588834373-7 +88 01915478228



National Goal and Objectives of Course

 National Goal:

To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals who:

  • consider the care and safety of their patients as first concern
  • establish and maintain good relationships with patients, their attendants and colleagues
  • are honest, trustworthy and act with integrity
  • are capable of dealing with common dental diseases and dental health problems of the country and are willing to serve the community, particularly the rural community;
  • But at the same time acquire firm basis for future training, service and research at both national and international
  • Are committed to keep their knowledge and skill up-to-date through ‘Continuous Professional Development all through their professional
General Objective of BDS Course:

The purpose of the dental education program is to provide the opportunity for the learner to gain scientific knowledge and clinical skills needed in the practice of the profession, to instill the highest standards of professional conduct as a way of life and to promote a dedication to continuous, life-long professional study and improvement.

Specific Objectives of BDS Course:

The dental graduate should possess:

  1. A thorough understanding of the biological sciences to enable the integration and correlation of these basic sciences with the clinical dental
  2. Competence in the diagnosis of oral and dental diseases including an understanding of the relationship between general and oral
  3. Skills to provide the preventive and curative services commonly required in dental
  4. The ability to organize and administer a dental practice
  5. Ability to appraise and apply research findings and new
  6. A commitment towards continuing
  7. A sense of professional, ethical and social

Basic Information about BDS Course

  1. Name of the course: Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  2. Basic qualifications & prerequisites for entrance into BDS Course:
    • HSC or equivalent with Science. (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
    • Candidate has to secure the required grade point in the SSC and HSC
  3. Student’s selection procedure for BDS course: According to the decision by the proper competent authority as per
  4. Medium of Instruction: English
  5. Duration: BDS course comprises of 5 Years, followed by logbook based rotatory internship for one year
  6. Course structure and duration

The BDS course is divided into four phases.





1st phase





Dental Anatomy

Physiology, Biochemistry

Science of Dental Materials

First ProfessionalBDS


1 year


General & Dental Pharmacology

Pathology & Microbiology

Second Professional BDS


1 year





Periodontology & Oral Pathology


Third Professional BDS

4th phase


        Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

        Conservative Dentistry &Endodontic


        Orthodontics &Dentofacial Orthopedics

        Pedodontics& Dental Public Health



Final/4th Professional BDS

NB: All academic activities including professional examination of each phase must be completed within the specified time of the phase.


7.    Teaching & learning methods

 The following teaching and learning methods will be followed:

Large Group Teaching:

  • Lecture
  • Seminar

Small-Group Teaching:

  • Tutorial
  • Demonstration
  • Students interaction Problem-based Learning (PBL) Practical session:
  • Use of practical manual
  • Performing the task/examination by the student
  • Writing the practical notebook

Field Placement (Community-based medical/dental education):

  • In small groups for performing activities by the student themselves Clinical teaching:
  • In the ward, OPD, OT, POW, ED
  • By concerned persons Integrated teaching

Encourage to learn ICT through the computer lab of the college.

8.    Assessment:
  1. There will be in-course (card/item/term) and end-course (professional) assessments for the students in each phase (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th phase) of the course i.e. formative and professional
  2. Formative assessment will be done through results of items, card and term ending examination & class attendance.
  3. For formative assessment, 10% marks of written examination of each paper of each subject is allocated
  4. For MCQ of each paper, 20% marks are allocated. There will be separate answer script for MCQ part of examination. Total number of MCQ will be
  5. For SAQ of each paper, 70% marks are allocated
  6. Oral part of the examination will be structured
  7. OSPE / OSCE will be used for assessing skills/competencies. Traditional long & short cases will be also used for clinical assessment
  8. There will be phase final professional examination within each academic
  9. Eligibility for appearing in the professional examination:
    • Certificate from the respective head of departments regarding students obtaining at least 75% attendance in all classes (theory, practical, tutorial, residential field practice, clinical placement etc.) during the
    • Obtaining at least 60% marks in
9.    Internship:

After passing final professional BDS examination students have to enroll for one year log book based rotatory internship programme. Within this one year 11 months and 15 days at dental/medical college hospital and 15 days at UHC. Internship programme will be more structured and supervised. It is compulsory to complete internship training programme designed by BM&DC to get permanent registration for doing independent practice.


NB: All academic activities including professional examination of each phase must be completed within specified time of the phase


Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College

Office Hours: Saturday-Thusday, 8 am to 2.30 pm.

Address: Enayetpur, Sirajganj-6751, Bangladesh.


Phone: +880 2588834373-7
Mobile: +8801915478228

Fax: +880 2588834431

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